Comment history with alysaphobia
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 comments
yeahh! Even though I didn't like the book 5 very much.
I almost wish I had the whole summer unplanned and free from structure, though. I'd totally go raid the nearest book store, buy a stack of thick, heavy books, and read the days away... :)
Harry Potter 7 coming out! :D Excited?
definitely sounds interesting...I don't really have any plans at all. Well i never usually do. Perhaps i will think of a long occupation list to keep myself busy. x_x"
First there's this volleyball camp for 2 weeks, then I'm going to NY to visit my dad's side of the family, then returning back to Japan again to visit my mother's side of the family. (He's American, and my mom is Japanese.) Should be fun. :)
How about you?
I know! once it sticks on to you it's hard to recognize all the changes :x
so do you have any plans for the summer?
Rather confused with all the username changes and what not. ;p Ah, I will somehow manage to memorize identities later on. And you?